Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cakes, Cakes, and More Cakes!

This week I've actually had a break from cake decorating class which is actually giving me time to catch up on what I've done so far.

Springtime, in September.
This is a cake that I made for my aunt Sheila's birthday. Just a plain vanilla cake, she can't have chocolate, with the Wilton buttercream icing. Once again the flowers on top are hershey kisses. The cake was a hit among the family.

The only problem I've been having with my cakes is moistness. Luckily I found a recipe (try that keeps your cake moist for forever!

A field of flowers

The next cake shown below I actually got paid for! I guess I'm official. It was a cake for my mom's work. The flowers above are made from royal icing which hardens and turns into candy. They last forever!

Top view

Side view
Here's the final product. The plan was to make a 2 tiered cake (similar to a wedding cake) but I had enough from the 10 in pan.

The side view shows I still have some work to do with my icing, but believe me, this is better than it was 2 months ago!

Finally, here is my cake final for the Wilton cake decorating course.

Perfect day for a picnic!
This is the basket weave method. It is perfect for the sides when you actually want to put a lot of work into it! My hands still hurt from making this!

Sorry for such the long post but we're all caught up now! Let the creativity begin/ continue!


  1. Wow, these are beautiful! I will remember to call you to buy cakes now.....great job!

  2. Have you made your own buttercream icing yet? It's kind of fun, kind of scary.

  3. Yeah Chet. I only make homemade stuff. Buttercream icing is crazy good and takes so much powdered sugar it's unreal!

  4. No cake could be as sweet as you, but I'm calling you to make Megan's birthday cake!! Will you bake two at a time - one for her and one for yourself?

  5. Thanks Mrs. R! I could make Megan a cake. I'm pretty caked out myself lol.
