Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ready, Set, Bake!

A month or two ago a friend of mine talked me into taking a cake decorating class. I had the basic skills in cake decorating (frosting a cake) and figured why not, let's do it. Here we are two months later and I am completely addicted now. I always enjoyed baking, but now my stuff actually looks decent. I want a place to share my creations with everyone in hopes of one day become good enough to start selling cakes.

Here's my first creation:

My first cake creation inspired by Katy Perry's California Dream's Tour.
The cake above was my final cake for course one. Not completely perfect, but I'm still learning. The border is tie-dyed which I love and is not difficult to make at all. Like the caption reads, I got my color inspiration after seeing Katy Perry in concert.

Bake sale anyone?

Creation #2l:

I'll admit it, I got a little sloppy on the slides with this one. Besides that, I liked this cake a lot. It reminds of something you'd see the Stepford Wives bring to a bake sale. The roses on top are made from Hershey Kisses believe it or not.

This is just a taste of what I've created. I can't wait to share more of my creations, recipes, and techniques with everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Cant wait to see more! Here is a link to my friend's cake blog. She started her own business so I though maybe you might like to look at her stuff... She does a lot of fondant work and which I'm sure you'll get into at some point.
